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I feel asphyxiated
When I see so much around me;
My issue is that I want to be anything and everything that I see, hear and feel...
I see poetry, and I want my mind to be filled with every word existing and make them string themselves in my mind naturally to create something enchanting, an elixir...
I see academia, and my heart takes a giant leap into a conceived hole to feel the dearth of every page of every book of every genre that I have never seen, heard or felt...
I see beauty, and I want to dismiss all imperfections and every flaw of every nook and cranny of my skin...
I see people, I see discoveries, and I want to find things that are unfathomable to even fathom...
I want every atom of every element of what makes others...
I want to be everyone; I just don't want to be myself...
What bedlam is this?


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